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Street Lights at the Quartier Dix30 Complex

Dix30 Elumen 1
Dix30 Elumen 2
Dix30 Elumen 3
Dix30 Elumen 4

There is no doubt that this complex bears its name well. It is indeed at the junction of Highways 10 and 30 on the South Shore of the Greater Montreal Area, but it also attempts to replicate a neighborhood feeling with its hundreds of shops, restaurants of all kinds, bars, cinema, concert halls and even its hotel.

Needless to say that traffic is as important as day as evening, if not more during weekend nights. Because the majority of the complex is pedestrian, it was essential to find a street light lighting solution of high quality as effective as reliable to ensure the safety of visitors while creating a great atmosphere.

Elumen Lighting Networks has met the challenge with its LED street lights. Equipped with a photocell, they adapt to daylight hours variation between summer and winter, enabling in additional energy savings. Furthermore, as Elumen Lighting Networks LED lights reproduce natural light's color, visitors simply feel that days are longer at the Dix30 and do not experience a cold white light distributed by other types of lighting or still, warm but subdued light, compromising their safety.

By choosing Elumen Lighting Networks high quality products, with the longest lifespan on the market, the complex's managers ensure that their guests experience a pleasant and festive atmosphere while being safe.